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Integrated services

През годините, в които АКТИВиТИ се утвърждаваше като водещо име в областите на счетоводните, ТРЗ и консултантските услуги, успяхме да изградим силни и надеждни партньорства с компании и професионалисти, които са лидери в областта си и споделят нашите ценности и отношение към работата. Благодарение на успешното ни сътрудничество разгърнахме портфолиото си от услуги и имаме удоволствието да предоставим възможността за ползване на интегрирани услуги на всички наши клиенти.

Integrated services mean simultaneously meeting a complex set of needs, an interdisciplinary approach, a great team, and unified work standards. Integrated services enable each of our clients to receive a finished product that is the result of our team and an outside subject matter expert working together:

Independent financial audit

In the field of independent financial audit, we cooperate with Plamena Marinova. She is the founder of Integrity Audit, a registered auditor, and also a member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria.

We have successfully provided integrated audit services to:

  • financial statements and consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with National Accounting Standards and International Financial Reporting Standards
  • projects funded by the EU Structural Funds, the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism, the Norwegian Financial Mechanism, other governmental and non-governmental organizations and grant schemes
  • financial statements prepared in accordance with a special purpose reporting framework
  • agreed to procedures on financial information
  • commitments to review financial statements

Information technology audit

When carrying out tasks of a complex nature, usually related to due diligence, assessments of the internal control environment of companies, determining the effectiveness of the financial - accounting system, quality standards, etc., it is necessary to conduct an IT audit. For building a team with highly qualified specialists and performing specific procedures in the field of information technology, we trust the rich experience of ACT BG Ltd, which company was established in early 1997.

"Modern trends of information technology development impose high demands on us and our products and services. We have gladly accepted this challenge. Our mission is to apply these technologies and offer complete solutions to customers, thereby helping them gain a competitive advantage and provide high-added value to their customers."
Mr. Rosen Radkov
Ph.D., Founder, Partner, and Managing Director - Computer and Office Equipment and Computer Networks Division

For the last fifteen years, the main focus of ACT BG's business has been information security. Their hard work is focused on building IT infrastructure solutions to protect their clients' businesses. The main goal of the AKT BG team is the success and satisfaction of their clients, which in turn is among the fundamental factors to recognizing them as reliable partners and successfully cooperating with them.

Together we can offer services related to:

  • Design and implementation of high-reliability IT infrastructure solutions serving all enterprise functions including finance, accounting, logistics, control, etc.
  • Design and implementation of solutions for information security and protection of personal data, personnel, and contractors
  • Audit and analysis of problems in IT infrastructures
  • Consultancy services for building and implementing process management systems at the organization level, product quality level, information security, and IT services in private and public organizations of different business sectors and different scales.

Human Resource (HR) Management

In the field of human resources management, we work together with Donika Hristova. She is the founder of Bell Career and Bell Education. Thanks to her solid knowledge in the field and her extensive experience, we successfully provide services related to:

  • recruitment for the needs of ACTIVITY
  • recruitment for our clients

Business valuation

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